What We Do

It’s Weegies for Weegies here! Our local writers search for the best services in the city to help our readers. 
Fancy a swally? We’ve tried and tested the best pubs in your area! 
Looking for a plumber to fix a leak? We recommend the top ones who can patch it up right away!
Not any service will make the cut, though. To make sure they’re pure sound, we do rigorous research and evaluation.

Who are we?

Contributing Editor

Bonnie Scott

Bonnie Scott works as a gallery assistant and writes about all things culture, art, and music. You’ll hear about the most happening social events from her!

Staff Writer

James Robertson

James Robertson is an accounts manager but considers being a dad to be his full-time job. Finding local kid-friendly spots and activities—that’s serious business for him!

Staff Writer

Craig Brown

Photographer Joel Findlay loves going on photo walks and capturing the “real” Glasgow. He’s who we turn to when looking for local favourite food joints, like that old family-run shop that’s been standing for decades.

Staff Writer

Catriona Douglas

Yogi Catriona Douglas shares her wealth of knowledge about health and fitness online. Having gone through a serious health issue herself, she now considers it her mission to help others live a healthy and happy life.

Feature On

Our Selection Process

We don’t pick anything that’s not local-recommended! We survey consumers in the city and find the most-mentioned services. They are then evaluated by a strict set of criteria to see if they’re worth your money.

How We make money?

We rely on our readers for support. There are affiliate links on this site from which we may earn a small commission. However, this doesn’t mean we accept money to market any service. It’s our goal to fairly review our chosen businesses, highlighting both their strengths and weaknesses.


Whether it’s feedback or ideas, we’re always happy to hear. Email us at [email protected] or submit through this form.
